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Designing Designer: The Evidence-Oriented Design Process of a Pedagogical Interactive Graphics Python Library

Published: 22 February 2022 Publication History


As a solution to the challenge of motivating and retaining undergraduate introductory computer science students, game development and image manipulation are popular motivational contexts in introductory computer science (CS1) classrooms. However, there has been little research on how to empirically make the required code libraries friendly for novice learners. This work explores how novice preconceptions of vocabulary and code structure should affect Designer (, our new pedagogical interactive graphics Python library. Preconceptions were measured through two successive surveys. Survey responses were analyzed for differences between survey version and students' prior programming experience. Although specific preconceptions varied based on students' degrees of prior programming experience, students do tend to prefer simple vocabulary. Motivated to fill a gap in the libraries available for early Python education, these results were used to guide the development of Designer. Alongside the library, this work provides three successive CS1 lesson plans developed using the Use-Modify-Create lesson progression. Future work is in progress to measure and improve the usability of Designer and its resources through further collaboration with students, to ultimately create a truly novice friendly game and graphics API.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (SIGCSE22-V1fp399v.mp4)
Designing Designer: The Evidence-Oriented Design Process of a Pedagogical Interactive Graphics Python Library presentation video. Includes problem, proposed solution, methodology, and how to get involved with Designer!


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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGCSE 2022: Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education - Volume 1
February 2022
1049 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 22 February 2022


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  1. api design
  2. cs1
  3. evidence-oriented design
  4. game development
  5. interactive graphics
  6. python


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