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Socially-Aware Self-Supervised Tri-Training for Recommendation

Published: 14 August 2021 Publication History


Self-supervised learning (SSL), which can automatically generate ground-truth samples from raw data, holds vast potential to improve recommender systems. Most existing SSL-based methods perturb the raw data graph with uniform node/edge dropout to generate new data views and then conduct the self-discrimination based contrastive learning over different views to learn generalizable representations. Under this scheme, only a bijective mapping is built between nodes in two different views, which means that the self-supervision signals from other nodes are being neglected. Due to the widely observed homophily in recommender systems, we argue that the supervisory signals from other nodes are also highly likely to benefit the representation learning for recommendation. To capture these signals, a general socially-aware SSL framework that integrates tri-training is proposed in this paper. Technically, our framework first augments the user data views with the user social information. And then under the regime of tri-training for multi-view encoding, the framework builds three graph encoders (one for recommendation) upon the augmented views and iteratively improves each encoder with self-supervision signals from other users, generated by the other two encoders. Since the tri-training operates on the augmented views of the same data sources for self-supervision signals, we name it self-supervised tri-training. Extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets consistently validate the effectiveness of the self-supervised tri-training framework for improving recommendation. The code is released at

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (sociallyaware_selfsupervised_tritraining_for_recommendation-junliang_yu-hongzhi_yin-38957914-Njo3.mp4)
Presentation video that introduces our paper "Socially-Aware Self-Supervised Tri-Training for Recommendation".


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KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
August 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 14 August 2021


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  1. contrastive learning
  2. recommender systems
  3. self-supervised learning
  4. tri-training


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