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A Survey on Adversarial Recommender Systems: From Attack/Defense Strategies to Generative Adversarial Networks

Published: 05 March 2021 Publication History


Latent-factor models (LFM) based on collaborative filtering (CF), such as matrix factorization (MF) and deep CF methods, are widely used in modern recommender systems (RS) due to their excellent performance and recommendation accuracy. However, success has been accompanied with a major new arising challenge: Many applications of machine learning (ML) are adversarial in nature [146]. In recent years, it has been shown that these methods are vulnerable to adversarial examples, i.e., subtle but non-random perturbations designed to force recommendation models to produce erroneous outputs.
The goal of this survey is two-fold: (i) to present recent advances on adversarial machine learning (AML) for the security of RS (i.e., attacking and defense recommendation models) and (ii) to show another successful application of AML in generative adversarial networks (GANs) for generative applications, thanks to their ability for learning (high-dimensional) data distributions. In this survey, we provide an exhaustive literature review of 76 articles published in major RS and ML journals and conferences. This review serves as a reference for the RS community working on the security of RS or on generative models using GANs to improve their quality.


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Vito Walter Anelli, Yashar Deldjoo, Tommaso Di Noia, and Antonio Ferrara. 2019. Towards effective device-aware federated learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. Springer, 477--491.
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Vito Walter Anelli, Yashar Deldjoo, Tommaso Di Noia, and Felice Antonio Merra. 2020. Adversarial learning for recommendation: Applications for security and generative tasks—concept to code. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM, 738--741.
Vito Walter Anelli, Tommaso Di Noia, Daniele Malitesta, and Felice Antonio Merra. 2020. Assessing perceptual and recommendation mutation of adversarially poisoned visual recommenders. In Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium co-located with the Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (DDC@AI*IA’20).
Vito Walter Anelli, Tommaso Di Noia, Daniele Malitesta, and Felice Antonio Merra. 2020. An Empirical Study of DNNs Robustification Inefficacy in Protecting Visual Recommenders. arxiv:2010.00984
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Published: 05 March 2021
Accepted: 01 November 2020
Revised: 01 November 2020
Received: 01 May 2020
Published in CSUR Volume 54, Issue 2


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  1. Recommender systems
  2. adversarial machine learning
  3. adversarial perturbation
  4. generative adversarial network
  5. min-max game
  6. privacy
  7. robustness
  8. security


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