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Multi-objective Risk Assessment Management via Zero-One Desirability Programming Model: Thailand - Cambodia Beverage Logistics Solutions

Published: 13 July 2020 Publication History


This paper presents a hybrid approach of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and desirability function in forms of the zero-one desirability programming model (ZODP). An aim is to select the appropriate multimodal freight transportation networks under various basic requirements of the community. This optimization problem contains incommensurate and conflicting objectives and a decision maker (DM)'s preference information decides a satisfactory compromise desirability level. The AHP method is first used to structure the transportation problem systematically. Hierarchically, the structure starts with the main objective to be achieved, then the criteria needed with consistency weight, and lastly the alternatives which are necessary to fulfill the main objectives. The AHP results are then formulated in the ZODP model, as there are multiple criteria and priorities. After solving the ZODP model with the relative weights integration from the AHP, the proposed model would be highly effective in generating a compromise route that is faithful to the DM's preference structure. Selected alternatives can be implemented by the management due to the allocated resources or all criteria are met and the proposed method allows the DM to adjust any of the preference parameters as well.


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    ICFET '20: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies
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    Published: 13 July 2020


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    1. desirability function
    2. multimodal transportation
    3. optimization
    4. risk assessment
    5. route selection


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