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A provable time and space efficient implementation of NESL

Published: 15 June 1996 Publication History


In this paper we prove time and space bounds for the implementation of the programming language NESL on various parallel machine models. NESL is a sugared typed λ-calculus with a set of array primitives and an explicit parallel map over arrays. Our results extend previous work on provable implementation bounds for functional languages by considering space and by including arrays. For modeling the cost of NESL we augment a standard call-by-value operational semantics to return two cost measures: a DAG representing the sequential dependence in the computation, and a measure of the space taken by a sequential implementation. We show that a NESL program with w work (nodes in the DAG), d depth (levels in the DAG), and s sequential space can be implemented on a p processor butterfly network, hypercube, or CRCW PRAM using O(w/p + d log p) time and O(s + dp log p) reachable space.1 For programs with sufficient parallelism these bounds are optimal in that they give linear speedup and use space within a constant factor of the sequential space.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ICFP '96: Proceedings of the first ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming
June 1996
273 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 15 June 1996


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