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Serverless network file systems

Published: 01 February 1996 Publication History


We propose a new paradigm for network file system design: serverless network file systems. While traditional network file systems rely on a central server machine, a serverless system utilizes workstations cooperating as peers to provide all file system services. Any machine in the system can store, cache, or control any block of data. Our approach uses this location independence, in combination with fast local area networks, to provide better performance and scalability than traditional file systems. Furthermore, because any machine in the system can assume the responsibilities of a failed component, our serverless design also provides high availability via redundatn data storage. To demonstrate our approach, we have implemented a prototype serverless network file system called xFS. Preliminary performance measurements suggest that our architecture achieves its goal of scalability. For instance, in a 32-node xFS system with 32 active clients, each client receives nearly as much read or write throughput as it would see if it were the only active client.


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                          Published In

                          cover image ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
                          ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 14, Issue 1
                          Special issue on operating system principles
                          Feb. 1996
                          134 pages
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                          Association for Computing Machinery

                          New York, NY, United States

                          Publication History

                          Published: 01 February 1996
                          Published in TOCS Volume 14, Issue 1


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                          1. RAID
                          2. log cleaning
                          3. log structured
                          4. log-based striping
                          5. logging
                          6. redundant data storage
                          7. scalable performance


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