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10.1145/2157136.2157306acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessigcseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Starting with Ubicomp: using the senseboard to introduce computing

Published: 29 February 2012 Publication History


In this paper, we describe a new undergraduate module for novice students conducted entirely through distance learning: My Digital Life (TU100). The module has been designed to lower the barriers to creating programs that interact with the world; TU100's materials have been designed to excite, encourage, reassure and support learners who explore the novel topic of ubiquitous computing through playful experimentation. It introduces the fundamentals of computing by giving students the capability for programming a device, the SenseBoard, which has built-in input/output and sensors. Programming is done in Sense, an extension of Scratch, which scaffolds programming and reduces the syntax burden. TU100 has taken inspiration from childhood learning and commercial product design to produce compelling, yet academically rigorous study materials.


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  • (2017)Teachers’ Expectations and Experience in Physical ComputingInformatics in Schools: Focus on Learning Programming10.1007/978-3-319-71483-7_5(49-61)Online publication date: 19-Nov-2017
  • (2014)I Scratch and Sense But Can I Program?International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education10.4018/ijicte.201407010710:3(87-116)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2014
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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGCSE '12: Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education
February 2012
734 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 29 February 2012


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  1. computer science education
  2. distance education
  3. programming
  4. sense
  5. senseboard
  6. ubiquitous computing


  • Research-article


SIGCSE '12: The 43rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
February 29 - March 3, 2012
North Carolina, Raleigh, USA

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SIGCSE '12 Paper Acceptance Rate 100 of 289 submissions, 35%;
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The 56th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
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  • (2014)I Scratch and Sense But Can I Program?International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education10.4018/ijicte.201407010710:3(87-116)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2014
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