Cited By
View all- Huang ZMei YZhang FZhang MWagner M(2022)Graph-based linear genetic programmingProceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference10.1145/3512290.3528730(955-963)Online publication date: 8-Jul-2022
Motivated by biological inspiration and the issue of instruction disruption, we develop a new form of Linear Genetic Programming (LGP) called Parallel LGP (PLGP) for classification problems. PLGP programs consist of multiple lists of instructions. These ...
This paper presents a novel Genetic Parallel Programming (GPP) paradigm for evolving parallel programs running on a Multi-Arithmetic-Logic-Unit (Multi-ALU) Processor (MAP). The MAP is a Multiple Instruction-streams, Multiple Data-streams (MIMD), general-...
Two prominent genetic programming approaches are the graph-based Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) and Linear Genetic Programming (LGP). Recently, a formal algorithm for constructing a directed acyclic graph (DAG) from a classical LGP instruction ...
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