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10.1145/2970276.2970353acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesaseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

An empirical study on dependence clusters for effort-aware fault-proneness prediction

Published: 25 August 2016 Publication History


A dependence cluster is a set of mutually inter-dependent program elements. Prior studies have found that large dependence clusters are prevalent in software systems. It has been suggested that dependence clusters have potentially harmful effects on software quality. However, little empirical evidence has been provided to support this claim. The study presented in this paper investigates the relationship between dependence clusters and software quality at the function-level with a focus on effort-aware fault-proneness prediction. The investigation first analyzes whether or not larger dependence clusters tend to be more fault-prone. Second, it investigates whether the proportion of faulty functions inside dependence clusters is significantly different from the proportion of faulty functions outside dependence clusters. Third, it examines whether or not functions inside dependence clusters playing a more important role than others are more fault-prone. Finally, based on two groups of functions (i.e., functions inside and outside dependence clusters), the investigation considers a segmented fault-proneness prediction model. Our experimental results, based on five well-known open-source systems, show that (1) larger dependence clusters tend to be more fault-prone; (2) the proportion of faulty functions inside dependence clusters is significantly larger than the proportion of faulty functions outside dependence clusters; (3) functions inside dependence clusters that play more important roles are more fault-prone; (4) our segmented prediction model can significantly improve the effectiveness of effort-aware fault-proneness prediction in both ranking and classification scenarios. These findings help us better understand how dependence clusters influence software quality.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ASE '16: Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
August 2016
899 pages
  • General Chair:
  • David Lo,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Sven Apel,
  • Sarfraz Khurshid
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 25 August 2016


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  1. Dependence clusters
  2. fault prediction
  3. fault-proneness
  4. network analysis


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