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10.1145/2702123.2702326acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageschiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The Trial of Bendi in a Coffeehouse: Use of a Shape-Changing Device for a Tactile-Visual Phone Conversation

Published: 18 April 2015 Publication History


We present Bendi, a shape-changing device for a tactile-visual phone conversation. Bendi enables users to deliver shape-changing movements (e.g., upward or downward bending, left or right tilting, and shrinking) from the user's joystick input to the other party's device in real time during phone conversations. We conducted a user study to observe how seven couples used it over three days in a coffeehouse. Our field trial of Bendi in a coffeehouse showed the private and natural uses, and integrated uses of tactile and visual expressions along with the uses of the vocabularies developed through Bendi. In addition, there were active uses even in negative and serious conversational context with its pleasant tactile feelings and movement representations. Lastly, we discuss issues for the future designs and real-world deployment of shape-changing mobile devices for daily use.

Supplementary Material (pn1054-file3.mp4)
Supplemental video
MP4 File (p2181-park.mp4)


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    CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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    Published: 18 April 2015


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    1. coffeehouse
    2. phone conversation
    3. shape-changing interface
    4. tactile-visual


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