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Experiences with non-numeric applications on multithreaded architectures

Published: 21 June 1997 Publication History


Distributed-memory machines have proved successful for many challenging numerical programs that can be split into largely independent computation-intensive subtasks requiring little data exchange (although the amount of exchanged data may be large). However, many irregular applications---e.g. in the AI field --- have a fairly tight data coupling that often results from the use of shared data structures, making them in many cases not amenable to parallelization on distributed-memory machines. EARTH is an efficient multithreaded architecture that supports in particular large numbers of small data exchanges by means of low start-up times and the ability of tolerance of even small latencies. In this paper, we show the benefits provided by EARTH for applications of this sort by presenting experimental results from several AI applications run on the MANNA machine, which is a distributed-memory machine with a very high-performance communicantion network. EARTH-MANNA is shown to extend the range of programs that can be parallelized and run effectively on distributed-memory machines.


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cover image ACM Conferences
PPOPP '97: Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming
June 1997
287 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 21 June 1997


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PPoPP97: Principles & Practices of Parallel Programming
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