Cited By
View all- Chen ZHua YZhang YDing LFalsafi BFerdman MLu SWenisch T(2022)Efficiently detecting concurrency bugs in persistent memory programsProceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems10.1145/3503222.3507755(873-887)Online publication date: 28-Feb-2022
- Chen YWang SLu SSankaralingam K(2019)Applying Transactional Memory for Concurrency-Bug Failure Recovery in Production RunsIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems10.1109/TPDS.2018.287765630:5(990-1006)Online publication date: 1-May-2019
- Yu ZZuo YZhao Y(2019)Convoider: A Concurrency Bug Avoider Based on Transparent Software Transactional MemoryInternational Journal of Parallel Programming10.1007/s10766-019-00642-1Online publication date: 12-Sep-2019
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