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10.1145/2536146.2536159acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmedesConference Proceedingsconference-collections

From applications to a software ecosystem platform: an exploratory study

Published: 28 October 2013 Publication History


The essence of the software ecosystem concept encourages external developers to interact with a software platform, enabling them to contribute or evolve such platform. Trying to expand a product into a platform on which components, services and applications can be created, a company may provide the basis for an ecosystem and its life cycle. In this paper, we describe the evolution process of an application towards an ecosystem using current models and taking into account the reuse of an existing software system. The application DiaDia has been developed for smartphones and its main function consists in helping the treatment of diabetic patients. Two different models are used to discuss the transition of the application to an ecosystem: one is an adaptation of the Software Supply Network which represents the main actors that interact with the ecosystem, and the other covers the process of creating an application and its evolution to an ecosystem through Business Process Model and Notation.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image ACM Other conferences
MEDES '13: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems
October 2013
358 pages
  • Conference Chairs:
  • Latif Ladid,
  • Antonio Montes,
  • General Chair:
  • Peter A. Bruck,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Fernando Ferri,
  • Richard Chbeir
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]


  • LBBC: Luxembourg Brazil Business Council
  • IPv6 Luxembourg Council: Luxembourg IPv6 Council
  • Luxembourg Green Business Awards 2013: Luxembourg Green Business Awards 2013
  • LUXINNOVATION: Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l Innovation et de la Recherche
  • Pro Newtech: Pro Newtech
  • CTI: Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 October 2013


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Author Tags

  1. ecosystems modeling
  2. mobile applications
  3. software ecosystems
  4. software life cycle
  5. software reuse


  • Research-article

Funding Sources


  • LBBC
  • IPv6 Luxembourg Council
  • Luxembourg Green Business Awards 2013
  • Pro Newtech
  • CTI

Acceptance Rates

MEDES '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 56 of 122 submissions, 46%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 267 of 682 submissions, 39%


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Cited By

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  • (2020)A Tool for Software Ecosystem ModelsProceedings of the XXXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering10.1145/3422392.3422486(405-414)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2020
  • (2020)Business Process Management in Digital and Software Ecosystems: A Systematic Mapping Study2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C)10.1109/ICSA-C50368.2020.00046(226-233)Online publication date: Mar-2020
  • (2019)A Report on the Teaching of Software Ecosystems in Software Engineering DisciplineProceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering10.1145/3350768.3351302(130-139)Online publication date: 23-Sep-2019
  • (2019)Revisiting the mobile software ecosystems literatureProceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and 13th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems10.1109/SESoS/WDES.2019.00015(50-57)Online publication date: 28-May-2019
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