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Multimedia search reranking: A literature survey

Published: 01 January 2014 Publication History


The explosive growth and widespread accessibility of community-contributed media content on the Internet have led to a surge of research activity in multimedia search. Approaches that apply text search techniques for multimedia search have achieved limited success as they entirely ignore visual content as a ranking signal. Multimedia search reranking, which reorders visual documents based on multimodal cues to improve initial text-only searches, has received increasing attention in recent years. Such a problem is challenging because the initial search results often have a great deal of noise. Discovering knowledge or visual patterns from such a noisy ranked list to guide the reranking process is difficult. Numerous techniques have been developed for visual search re-ranking. The purpose of this paper is to categorize and evaluate these algorithms. We also discuss relevant issues such as data collection, evaluation metrics, and benchmarking. We conclude with several promising directions for future research.


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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 46, Issue 3
January 2014
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Published: 01 January 2014
Accepted: 01 August 2013
Revised: 01 July 2013
Received: 01 June 2012
Published in CSUR Volume 46, Issue 3


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