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Exploiting sentiment analysis to track emotions in students' learning diaries

Published: 14 November 2013 Publication History


Learning diaries are instruments through which students can reflect on their learning experience. Students' sentiments, emotions, opinions and attitudes are embedded in their learning diaries as part of the process of understanding their progress during the course and the self-awareness of their goals. Learning diaries are also a very informative feedback source for instructors regarding the students' emotional well-being. However the number of diaries created during a course can become a daunting task to be manually analyzed with care, particularly when the class is large. To tackle this problem, in this paper we present a functional system for analyzing and visualizing student emotions expressed in learning diaries. The system allows instructors to automatically extract emotions and the changes in these emotions throughout students' learning experience as expressed in their diaries. The emotions extracted by the system are based on Plutchik's eight emotion categories, and they are shown over the time period that the diaries were written. The potential impact and usefulness of our system are highlighted during our experiments with promising results for improving the communication between instructors and students and enhancing the learning experience.


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    Koli Calling '13: Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research
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    • Univ. Eastern Finland: University of Eastern Finland
    • The University of Newcastle, Australia
    • Turku University Foundation



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 14 November 2013


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    1. emotion detection
    2. learning diaries
    3. sentiment analysis
    4. visualization


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    Koli Calling '13
    • Univ. Eastern Finland

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