Cited By
View all- Cheng XRen LCui JZhang Z(2017)Traffic Flow Prediction with Improved SOPIO-SVR AlgorithmChallenges and Opportunity with Big Data10.1007/978-3-319-61994-1_17(184-197)Online publication date: 4-Aug-2017
A prediction of a vehicle's route would be useful for giving the driver advance warnings and alerts about upcoming situations and opportunities. This paper presents a new algorithm for predicting a driver's route based on a probabilistic prediction of ...
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often collect routing data to troubleshoot, analyze and predict the behavior of their network. However, data collected from multiple interacting routing protocols is often incomplete and difficult to manually analyze. ...
Vehicle trajectory or route prediction is useful in online, data-driven transportation simulation to predict future traffic patterns and congestion, among other uses. The various approaches to route prediction have varying degrees of data required to ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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