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Discovering tasks from search engine query logs

Published: 05 August 2013 Publication History


Although Web search engines still answer user queries with lists of ten blue links to webpages, people are increasingly issuing queries to accomplish their daily tasks (e.g., finding a recipe, booking a flight, reading online news, etc.). In this work, we propose a two-step methodology for discovering tasks that users try to perform through search engines. First, we identify user tasks from individual user sessions stored in search engine query logs. In our vision, a user task is a set of possibly noncontiguous queries (within a user search session), which refer to the same need. Second, we discover collective tasks by aggregating similar user tasks, possibly performed by distinct users. To discover user tasks, we propose query similarity functions based on unsupervised and supervised learning approaches. We present a set of query clustering methods that exploit these functions in order to detect user tasks. All the proposed solutions were evaluated on a manually-built ground truth, and two of them performed better than state-of-the-art approaches. To detect collective tasks, we propose four methods that cluster previously discovered user tasks, which in turn are represented by the bag-of-words extracted from their composing queries. These solutions were also evaluated on another manually-built ground truth.


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ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 31, Issue 3
July 2013
202 pages
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Publication History

Published: 05 August 2013
Accepted: 01 March 2013
Revised: 01 June 2012
Received: 01 May 2011
Published in TOIS Volume 31, Issue 3


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  1. Query log analysis
  2. collective task discovery
  3. collective tasks
  4. query clustering
  5. user search intent
  6. user search session boundaries
  7. user task discovery
  8. user tasks


  • Research-article
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