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10.1145/1315245.1315280acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Ordered multisignatures and identity-based sequential aggregate signatures, with applications to secure routing

Published: 28 October 2007 Publication History


We construct new multiparty signature schemes that allow multiple signers to sequentially produce a compact, fixed-length signature simultaneously attesting to the message(s) they want to sign. First, we introduce a new primitive that we call ordered multisignatures (OMS), which allow signers to attest to a common message as well as the order in which they signed. Our OMS construction substantially improves computational efficiency over any existing scheme with comparable functionality. Second, we design a new identity-based sequential aggregate signature scheme, where signers can attest to different messages and signature verification does not require knowledge of traditional public keys. The latter property permits savings on bandwidth and storage as compared to public-key solutions. In contrast to the only prior scheme to provide this functionality, ours offers improved security that does not rely on synchronized clocks or a trusted first signer. Security proofs according to the corresponding security definitions and under appropriate computational assumptions are provided for all the proposed schemes. We give several applications of our schemes to secure network routing, and we believe that they will find many other applications as well.


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  1. Ordered multisignatures and identity-based sequential aggregate signatures, with applications to secure routing



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    CCS '07: Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on Computer and communications security
    October 2007
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