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A collection of kinesthetic learning activities for a course on distributed computing: ACM SIGACT news distributed computing column 26

Published: 01 June 2007 Publication History


Kinesthetic learning is a process where students learn by actively carrying out physical activities rather than by passively listening to lectures. Pedagogical research has indicated that kinesthetic learning is a fundamental, powerful, and ubiquitous learning style. It resonates with many students across all disciplines and levels of education. The adoption of kinesthetic approaches in college classrooms, however, has been hampered by the difficulty of designing effective activities, as well as the perceived challenges of coordinating these activities. On the other hand, courses on distributed computing, by the very nature of the material they cover, are uniquely suited to exploiting this learning technique. We have developed and piloted a collection of kinesthetic activities for a senior undergraduate or graduate-level course on distributed systems. We give detailed descriptions of these exercises and discuss factors that contribute to their success (or failure). Our hope is that others will adopt these particular activities in their own distributed systems courses as well as use these examples as a pattern for developing new activities.


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        cover image ACM SIGACT News
        ACM SIGACT News  Volume 38, Issue 2
        June 2007
        79 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 01 June 2007
        Published in SIGACT Volume 38, Issue 2

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