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Functional declarative language design and predicate calculus: a practical approach

Published: 01 September 2005 Publication History


In programming language and software engineering, the main mathematical tool is de facto some form of predicate logic. Yet, as elsewhere in applied mathematics, it is used mostly far below its potential, due to its traditional formulation as just a topic in logic instead of a calculus for everyday practical use.The proposed alternative combines a language of utmost simplicity (four constructs only) that is devoid of the defects of common mathematical conventions, with a set of convenient calculation rules that is sufficiently comprehensive to make it practical for everyday use in most (if not all) domains of interest.Its main elements are a functional predicate calculus and concrete generic functionals. The first supports formal calculation with quantifiers with the same fluency as with derivatives and integrals in classical applied mathematics and engineering. The second achieves the same for calculating with functionals, including smooth transition between pointwise and point-free expression.The extensive collection of examples pertains mainly to software specification, language semantics and its mathematical basis, program calculation etc., but occasionally shows wider applicability throughout applied mathematics and engineering. Often it illustrates how formal reasoning guided by the shape of the expressions is an instrument for discovery and expanding intuition, or highlights design opportunities in declarative and (functional) programming languages.


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  1. Functional declarative language design and predicate calculus: a practical approach



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                              Information & Contributors


                              Published In

                              cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
                              ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 27, Issue 5
                              September 2005
                              229 pages
                              Issue’s Table of Contents


                              Association for Computing Machinery

                              New York, NY, United States

                              Publication History

                              Published: 01 September 2005
                              Published in TOPLAS Volume 27, Issue 5


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                              Author Tags

                              1. Analysis
                              2. Leibniz's principle
                              3. binary algebra
                              4. calculational reasoning
                              5. databases
                              6. declarative languages
                              7. elastic operators
                              8. function equality
                              9. functional predicate calculus
                              10. generic functionals
                              11. limits
                              12. program semantics
                              13. programming languages
                              14. quantifiers
                              15. recursion
                              16. software engineering
                              17. summation


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