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10.1145/1007568.1007628acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Compressing historical information in sensor networks

Published: 13 June 2004 Publication History


We are inevitably moving into a realm where small and inexpensive wireless devices would be seamlessly embedded in the physical world and form a wireless sensor network in order to perform complex monitoring and computational tasks. Such networks pose new challenges in data processing and dissemination because of the limited resources (processing, bandwidth, energy) that such devices possess. In this paper we propose a new technique for compressing multiple streams containing historical data from each sensor. Our method exploits correlation and redundancy among multiple measurements on the same sensor and achieves high degree of data reduction while managing to capture even the smallest details of the recorded measurements. The key to our technique is the base signal, a series of values extracted from the real measurements, used for encoding piece-wise linear correlations among the collected data values. We provide efficient algorithms for extracting the base signal features from the data and for encoding the measurements using these features. Our experiments demonstrate that our method by far outperforms standard approximation techniques like Wavelets. Histograms and the Discrete Cosine Transform, on a variety of error metrics and for real datasets from different domains.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGMOD '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data
June 2004
988 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 13 June 2004


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