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View all- Fengel J(2013)Business Semantics Alignment for Business Process Model IntegrationResearch and Development in E-Business through Service-Oriented Solutions10.4018/978-1-4666-4181-5.ch005(91-112)Online publication date: 2013
Domain ontology is a model that regulates the core knowledge of domain description and semantic organization, which changes along with the change of domain knowledge. Automated or semi-automated evolution approaches are the hot researches in the dynamic ...
Nowadays, ontologies have become a key mechanism to represent the knowledge of a specific domain. Domain ontologies can be used for different purposes, one of them is the development of semantic search engines that obtain precise results by considering ...
Research on architecture of domain ontology component-based information semantic representation and integration is studied. Domain ontology component, a "loosely coupled" approach in the use of ontology, is advocated. As a case study, a prototype for ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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