Cited By
View all- Li YRossmy BHußmann H(2020)Tangible Interaction with Light: A ReviewMultimodal Technologies and Interaction10.3390/mti40400724:4(72)Online publication date: 5-Oct-2020
Tangible objects on capacitive multi-touch surfaces are usually only detected while the user is touching them. When the user lets go of such a tangible, the system cannot distinguish whether the user just released the tangible, or picked it up and ...
Recent advances in technology and miniaturization allow the building of self-levitating tangible interfaces. This includes flying tangibles, which extend the mid-air interaction space from 2D to 3D. While a number of theoretical concepts about ...
Tangible objects on capacitive multi-touch surfaces are usually only detected while the user is touching them. When the user lets go of such a tangible, the system cannot distinguish whether the user just released the tangible, or picked it up and ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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