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View all- Chatterjee KGoharshady AGoyal PIbsen-Jensen RPavlogiannis A(2019)Faster Algorithms for Dynamic Algebraic Queries in Basic RSMs with Constant TreewidthACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems10.1145/336352541:4(1-46)Online publication date: 13-Nov-2019
- Saeed SWille RKarri R(2019)Locking the Design of Building Blocks for Quantum CircuitsACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems10.1145/335818418:5s(1-15)Online publication date: 7-Oct-2019
- Jin XZhou YHuang BYu ZZhan XWang HWang SYu NSun NBao YEigenmann RDing CMcKee S(2019)QoSMTProceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing10.1145/3330345.3330364(206-216)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2019
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