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An annotated bibliography on software inspections

Published: 01 January 1993 Publication History
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{Ackerman 1982} Ackerman, A. Frank, Amy S. Ackerman, and Robert G. Ebenau. "A Software Inspections Training Program," COMPSAC '82: 1982 Computer Software and Applications Conference, Chicago, IL Nov. 8-12, pp. 443-444. IEEE Computer Society Press.
{Ackerman 1984} Ackerman, A. Frank, Priscilla J. Fowler, and Robert G. Ebenau. 1984. "Software Inspections and the Industrial Production of Software," Software Validation, H.L. Hausen, ed., pp. 13-40, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
{Ackerman 1989} Ackerman, A. Frank, Lynne S. Buchwald, and Frank H. Lewski. "Software Inspections: An Effective Verification Process," IEEE Software, Vol. 6, No. 3, May 1989, pp. 31- 36.
{Ascoly 1976} Ascoly, J., M.J. Cafferty, S.J. Gruen, and O.R. Kohli. "Code Inspection Specification," IBM Corp., Kingston, NY, Technical Report TR 21.630, 1976.
{Bisant 1989} Bisant, David B., and James R. Lyle. "A Two-Person Inspection Method to Improve Programming Productivity," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 10, Oct. 1989, pp. 1294-1304.
{Blakely 1991} Blakely, Frank W. and Mark E. Boles. "A Case Study of Code Inspections," Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, Oct. 1991, pp. 58-63.
{Britcher 1988} Britcher, Robert N. "Using Inspections to Investigate Program Correctness," IEEE Computer, Vol. 21, No. 11, Nov. 1988, pp. 38-44.
{Brothers 1990} Brothers, L., V. Sembugamoorthy, and M. Muller. "ICICLE: Groupware for Code Inspection," CSCW 90: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Oct. 1990, pp. 169-181.
{Buck 1981} Buck, F.O. "Indicators of Quality Inspections," IBM Corp., Technical Report TR21.802, Sep. 1981.
{Buck 1984} Buck, Robert D. and James H. Dobbins. 1984. "Application of Software Inspection Methodology in Design and Code," Software Validation, H.L. Hausen, ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 41-56.
{Bush 1990} Bush, Marilyn. "Improving Software Quality: The Use of Formal Inspections at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory," 12th International Conference on Software Engineering, 1990, pp. 196-199, IEEE Computer Society Press.
{Christenson 1987} Christenson, Dennis A. and Steel T. Huang. "Code Inspection Management Using Statistical Control Limits," National Communications Forum, Chicago, IL, 1987, pp. 1095-1101.
{Christenson 1988} Christenson, Dennis A. and Steel T. Huang. "A Code Inspection Model for Software Quality Management and Prediction," GLOBECOM '88. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference and Exhibition, Hollywood, FL, 1988, pp. 468-472.
{Christenson 1990} Christenson, Dennis A., Steel. T. Huang, and Alfred J. Lamperez. "Statistical Quality Control Applied to Code Inspections," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , Vol. 8, No. 2, Feb. 1990, pp. 196-200.
{Collofello 1987} Collofello, James S. "Teaching Technical Reviews in a One-Semester Software Engineering Course," ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, Feb. 1987, pp. 222-227.
{Collofello 1988} Collofello, James S. "The Software Technical Review Process," Curriculum Module SEI-CM-3-1.5, The Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Jun. 1988.
{Cross 1988} Cross, John A., ed. "Support Materials for the Software Technical Review Process," Support Materials SEI-SM-3- 1.0, Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 1988.
{Crossman 1977} Crossman, Trevor D. "Some Experiences in the Use of Inspection Teams," 15th Annual ACM Computer Personnel Research Conference, Aug. 1977, p. 143.
{Crossman 1979} Crossman, Trevor D. "Some Experiences in the Use of Inspection Teams in Application Development," Applications Development Symposium, Monterey, CA, 1979.
{Crossman 1982} Crossman, Trevor D. "Inspection Teams, Are They Worth It?" Proceedings 2nd National Symposium on EDP Quality Assurance, Chicago, IL, Mar. 24-26, 1982.
{Deimel 1991} Deimel, L.E. "Scenes of Software Inspections. Video Dramatizations for the Classroom," Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, CMU/SEI-91-EM-5, May 1991.
{Dobbins 1987} Dobbins, J.H. 1987. "Inspections as an Up-Front Quality Technique," Handbook of Software Quality Assurance, G.G. Schulmeyer and J.I. McManus, eds., pp. 137-177, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
{Doolan 1992} Doolan, E. P. "Experience with Fagan's Inspection Method," Software--Practice and Experience, Vol. 22, No. 2, Feb. 1992, pp. 173-182.
{Ebenau 1981} Ebenau, R.G. "Inspecting for Software Quality," Second National Symposium in EDP Quality Assurance, 1981. DPMA Educational Foundation, U.S. Professional Development Institute, Inc., 12611 Davon Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20904.
{Fagan 1976a} Fagan, Michael E. "Design and Code Inspections to Reduce Errors in Program Development," IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976, pp. 182-211.
{Fagan 1976b} Fagan, M.E. "Design and Code Inspections and Process Control in the Development of Programs," IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY, Technical Report TR 00.2763, Jun. 10, 1976. This report is a revision of "Design and Code Inspections and Process Control in the Development of Programs," IBM Corp., Kingston, NY, Technical Report TR 21.572, Dec. 17, 1974.
{Fagan 1977} Fagan, Michael E. "Inspecting Software Design and Code," Datamation, Oct. 1977, pp. 133-144.
{Fagan 1986} Fagan, Michael E. "Advances In Software Inspections," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 7, Jul. 1986, pp. 744-751.
{Fowler 1986} Fowler, Priscilla J. "In-Process Inspections of Workproducts at AT&T," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 65, No. 2, Mar./Apr. 1986, pp. 102-112.
{Freedman 1982} Freedman, Daniel P. and Gerald M. Weinberg. 1982. Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews: Evaluating Programs, Projects, and Products. 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company.
{Glib 1991} Gilb, Tom. "Advanced Defect Prevention Using Inspection, Testing, and Field Data as a Base," American Programmer, May 1991, pp. 38-45.
{Graden 1986} Graden, Mark E. and Palma S. Horsley. "The Effects of Software Inspections on a Major Telecommunications Project," AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, May/ Jun. 1986, pp. 32-40.
{Hale 1978} Hale, R. M. "Inspections in Application Development-- Introduction and Implementation Guidelines," IBM Corp., Form GC20-2000-0 (Jul. 1977) updated by TNL GN20- 3814 (Aug. 1978).
{Hollocker 1990} Hollocker, Charles P. 1990. Software Reviews and Audits Handbook, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
{IBM 1976} IBM. "Code Reading, Structured Walkthroughs, and Inspections," IBM Corp., Report GE-19-5200, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, 1976.
{Jones 1985} Jones, Carole L. "A Process-Integrated Approach to Defect Prevention," IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 24, No. 2, 1985, pp. 150-167.
{Kelly 1992} Kelly, John C., Joseph S. Sherif, and Jonathan Hops. "An Analysis of Defect Densities Found During Software Inspections," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 17, No. 2, Feb. 1992, pp. 111-117.
{Kitchenham 1986} Kitchenham, B.A., Kitchenham, A.P., and J.P. Fellows. "Effects of Inspections on Software Quality and Productivity," ICL Technical Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1986, pop. 112-122.
{Knight 1991} Knight, John C. and Ethella Anne Myers. "Phased Inspections and their Implementation," University of Virginia, Computer Science Report No. TR-91-10. May 12, 1991.
{Kohli 1975} Kohli, Robert O. "High-Level Design Inspection Specification," IBM Corp., Kingston, NY, Technical Report TR 21.601, Jul. 21, 1975.
{Kohli 1976} Kohli, Robert O. and R.A. Radice. "Low-Level Design Inspection Specification," IBM Corp., Kingston, NY, Technical Report TR 21.629, 1976.
{Koontz 1986} Koontz, W.L.G. "Experience with Software Inspections in the Development of Firmware for a Digital Loop Carrier System," IEEE International Conference on Communications , 1986 Conference Record, pp. 1188-1189.
{Larson 1975} Larson, R.R. "Test Plan and Test Case Inspection Specification," IBM Corp., Kingston, NY, Technical Report TR21.585, Apr. 4, 1975.
{Martin 1990} Martin, Johnny, and W.T. Tsai. "N-fold Inspection: A Requirements Analysis Technique," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 33, No. 2, Feb. 1990, pp. 225-232.
{McCormick 1981} McCormick, K.K. "The Results of Using a Structured Methodology, Software Inspections, and a New Hardware/ Software Configuration on Application Systems," Second National Symposium in EDP Quality Assurance, 1981. DPMA Educational Foundation, U.S. Professional Development Institute, Inc., 12611 Davon Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20904.
{McKissick 1984} McKissick, John Jr., Mark J. Somers, and Wilhelmina Marsh. "Software Design Inspection for Preliminary Design," COMPSAC '84: 1984 Computer Software and Applications Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Jul. 1984, pp. 273-281.
{Myers 1978} Myers, Glenford J. "A Controlled Experiment in Program Testing and Code Walkthroughs-Inspections," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 21, No. 9, Sep. 1978, pp. 760-768.
{O'Neill 1991} O'Neill, Don. "What is the Standard of Excellence?" IEEE Software, May 1991, pp. 109-111.
{Peele 1982a} Peele, R. "Code Inspections at First Union Corporation," COMPSAC'82: 1982 Computer Software and Applications Conference, Chicago, IL Nov. 8-12, 1982, pp. 445-446, IEEE Computer Society Press.
{Peele 1982b} Peele, R. "Code Inspection Pilot Project Evaluation," Second National Symposium in EDP Quality Assurance, DPMA Educational Foundation, U.S. Professional Development Institute, Inc., 12611 Davon Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20904.
{Reeve 1991} Reeve, J.T. "Applying the Fagan Inspection Technique," Quality Forum, Vol. 17, No. 1, Mar. 1991, pp. 40-47.
{Remus 1984} Remus, Horst. 1984. "Integrated Software Validation in the View of Inspections/Reviews," Software Validation, H.L. Hausen, ed., pp. 57-64, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
{Runge 1982} Runge, B. "The Inspection Method Applied to Small Projects," 6th International Conference on Software Engineering , 1982, pp. 416-417.
{Russell 1991} Russell, Glen W. "Experience with Inspection in Ultralarge-Scale Developments," IEEE Software, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 1991, pp. 25-31.
{Sherif 1992} Sherif, Joseph S. and John C. Kelly. "Improving Software Quality Through Formal Inspections," Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 32, No. 3, Mar. 1992, pp. 423-431.
{Weinberg 1984} Weinberg, Gerald M. and Daniel P. Freedman. "Reviews, Walkthroughs, and Inspections," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan. 1984, pp. 68-72.
{Weller 1992} Weller, Edward F. "Lessons Learned from Two Years of Inspection Data," 3rd International Conference on Applications of Software Measurement, November 15-19, 1992, La Jolla, CA, pp. 2.57-2.69.
{Bias 1991} Bias, Randolph. "Walkthrroughs: Efficient Collaborative Testing," IEEE Software, Vol. 8, No. 5, Sep. 1991, pp. 94- 95.
{Hart 1982} Hart, J. "The Effectiveness of Design and Code Walk-throughs," COMPSAC '82: 1982 Computer Software and Applications Conference, Chicago, IL Nov. 8-12, 1982, pp. 515-522, IEEE Computer Society Press.
{IEEE 1988} "IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits," ANSI/ IEEE STD 1028-1988, IEEE Computer Society, Jun. 30, 1989.
{Lehman 1976} Lehman, John H. "Software Engineering Techniques in Computer Systems Development," Department of the Air Force, Report No.: SM-ALC/ACD-76-04. 15 Dec. 1976.
{Lemos 1979} Lemos, Ronald S. "An Implementation of Structured Walk-throughs in Teaching COBOL Programming," CACA, Vol. 22, No. 6, Jun. 1979, pp. 335-340.
{MILS 1985} Military Standard for Technical Reviews and Audits for Systems, Equipments, and Computer Software. United States Department of Defense. 1985 MIL-STD-1521B.
{Myers 1988} Myers, Ware. "Shuttle Code Achieves Very Low Error Rate," IEEE Software, Vol. 5, No. 5, Sep. 1988, pp. 93-95.
{Parnas 1987} Parnas, David L. and David M. Weiss. "Active Design Reviews: Principles and Practices," Journal of Systems and Software, No. 7, 1987, pp. 259-265.
{Remus 1979} Remus, Horst, and S. Zilles. "Prediction and Management of Program Quality," 4th International Conference on Software Engineering, Sep. 1979, pp. 341-350, IEEE Computer Society Press.
{Shelly 1982} Shelly, Gary B. and Thomas J. Cashman. 1982. "Implementation of Structured Walkthroughs in the Classroom," Section 12 of Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews: Evaluating Programs, Projects, and Products, 3rd ed., pp. 425-434. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company.
{Waldstein 1976} Waldstein, N.S. "The Walk-Thru--A Method of Specification, Design, and Review," IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY, Technical Report TR 00.2436, 1976.
{Weinberg 1971} Weinberg, Gerald M. 1971. The Psychology of Computer Programming. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
{Dunn 1984} Dunn, Robert H. 1984. Software Defect Removal. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
{Jones 1986} Jones, Capers. 1986. Programming Productivity. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
{Jones 1991} Jones, Capers. 1991. Applied Software Measurement. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
{Gilb 1987} Glib, Tom. 1987. Principles of Software Engineering Management . Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. pp. 205-226, pp. 403-422.
{Humphrey 1989} Humphrey, Watts. 1989. Managing the Software Process. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. pp. 463- 486.
{Myers 1976} Myers, Glenford J. 1976. Software Reliability: Principles and Practices, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
{Pressman 1982} Pressman, Roger S. 1982. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. 2nd Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
{Yourdon 1989} Yourdon, Edward. 1989. Structured Walkthroughs, 4th Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Yourdon Press.

Cited By

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  • (2019)An encompassing life cycle centric survey of software inspectionJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/S0164-1212(99)00073-450:1(5-31)Online publication date: 2-Jan-2019
  • (2008)Selective Homeworkless ReviewsProceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation10.1109/ICST.2008.17(404-413)Online publication date: 9-Apr-2008



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ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 18, Issue 1
Jan. 1993
59 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 January 1993
Published in SIGSOFT Volume 18, Issue 1

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  • (2019)An encompassing life cycle centric survey of software inspectionJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/S0164-1212(99)00073-450:1(5-31)Online publication date: 2-Jan-2019
  • (2008)Selective Homeworkless ReviewsProceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation10.1109/ICST.2008.17(404-413)Online publication date: 9-Apr-2008

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