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A Note on Riccati Matrix Difference Equations

Published: 01 January 2022 Publication History


Discrete algebraic Riccati equations and their fixed points are well understood and arise in a variety of applications; however, the time-varying equations have not yet been fully explored in the literature. In this article we provide a self-contained study of discrete time Riccati matrix difference equations. In particular, we provide a novel Riccati semigroup duality formula and a new Floquet-type representation for these equations. Due to the aperiodicity of the underlying flow of the solution matrix, conventional Floquet theory does not apply in this setting and thus further analysis is required. We illustrate the impact of these formulae with an explicit description of the solution of time-varying Riccati difference equations and its fundamental-type solution in terms of the fixed point of the equation and an invertible linear matrix map as well as uniform upper and lower bounds on the Riccati maps. These are the first results of this type for time-varying Riccati matrix difference equations.


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Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization  Volume 60, Issue 3
Issue’s Table of Contents


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2022

Author Tags

  1. Riccati matrix difference equations
  2. discrete time algebraic Riccati equation
  3. Sherman--Morrison--Woodbury inversion identity
  4. Gramian matrix
  5. matrix positive definite maps
  6. Floquet theory
  7. semigroup duality formula
  8. Lyapunov equations

Author Tags

  1. Primary
  2. 15A24
  3. 15B48
  4. 93B99; Secondary
  5. 15A16
  6. 93B25
  7. 93B05


  • Research-article


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