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The Complex-Scaled Half-Space Matching Method

Published: 01 January 2022 Publication History


The half-space matching (HSM) method has recently been developed as a new method for the solution of two-dimensional scattering problems with complex backgrounds, providing an alternative to perfectly matched layers or other artificial boundary conditions. Based on half-plane representations for the solution, the scattering problem is rewritten as a system of integral equations in which the unknowns are restrictions of the solution to the boundaries of a finite number of overlapping half-planes contained in the domain: this integral equation system is coupled to a standard finite element discretization localized around the scatterer. While satisfactory numerical results have been obtained for real wavenumbers, well-posedness and equivalence to the original scattering problem have been established only for complex wavenumbers. In the present paper, by combining the HSM framework with a complex-scaling technique, we provide a new formulation for real wavenumbers which is provably well-posed and has the attraction for computation that the complex-scaled solutions of the integral equation system decay exponentially at infinity. The analysis requires the study of double-layer potential integral operators on intersecting infinite lines, and their analytic continuations. The effectiveness of the method is validated by preliminary numerical results.


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Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis  Volume 54, Issue 1
Feb 2022
1294 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2022

Author Tags

  1. Helmholtz equation
  2. scattering
  3. integral equation
  4. artificial radiation condition

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  1. 35J05
  2. 35J25
  3. 35P25
  4. 45B05
  5. 45F15
  6. 65N30
  7. 65N38
  8. 78A45


  • Research-article


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