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Reversal complexity

Published: 01 August 1991 Publication History


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Sekharipuram Subramaniam Ravi

The number of head reversals made during a Turing machine computation has been recognized as an important complexity measure because of its intimate connection to parallel time and circuit depth [1,2]. In this paper, the authors establish a number of important results on reversal complexity, including the following (note that f 2n is used to mean [ f n ]<__?__Pub Fmt kern Amount="1.5pt"> 2 ). A function f n is reversal-constructible if a two-tape Turing machine exists that, when given the unary representation of an integer n>0 , produces the unary representation of f n on one of its work tapes, using O f n reversals. The authors show that for any reversal-constructible function s n = W log n , DSPACE s n ? DREVERSAL s n . As the authors observe, this result in conjunction with Savitch's theorem [3] implies that for any reversal-constructible function s n = W log n , NSPACE s n ? DREVERSAL s 2 n . They also show that if the reversal-constructibility requirement on s n is removed, then DSPACE s n ? DREVERSAL s 2 n and that NSPACE s n ? DREVERSAL s 3 n . The authors prove the following tape reduction theorem for reversal complexity. Let r n = W log n . If L is a language accepted by a multi-tape Turing machine with at most r n reversals, then L is accepted by a two-tape Turing machine with at most O r 2 n reversals. The authors use the above tape reduction to prove a hierarchy theorem for reversal complexity. Specifically, they show that if f n and g n are functions such that g 2 n =o f n , g n = W log n , and f n is reversal-constructible, then a language L exists such that L ? DREVERSAL f n but L &nisin; DREVERSAL g n <__?__Pub Caret> . In establishing the above and other results, the authors develop a number of techniques that should prove useful in further work on reversal complexity. The paper is well written and includes a good summary of previous work in this area. I strongly recommend this paper and its companion<__?__Pub Fmt hardspace>[4] to anyone interested in complexity theory.

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Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Computing
SIAM Journal on Computing  Volume 20, Issue 4
Aug. 1991
203 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 1991

Author Tags

  1. complete languages
  2. parallel complexity
  3. reversal
  4. reversal hierarchies
  5. space
  6. tape reduction theorem


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