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View all- Ghoshal AHao JMenon SSarkar S(2020)Hiding Sensitive Information when Sharing Distributed Transactional DataInformation Systems Research10.1287/isre.2019.089831:2(473-490)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2020
A covering problem is an integer linear program of type $$\min \{c^Tx\mid Ax\ge D,\ 0\le x\le d,\ x \in \mathbb {Z}\}$$min{cTxźAxźD,0≤x≤d,xźZ} where $$A\in \mathbb {Z}^{m\times n}_+$$AźZ+m n, $$D\in \mathbb {Z}_+^m$$DźZ+m, and $$c,d\in \mathbb {Z}_+^n$$...
Given a collection S of subsets of some set ${\Bbb U},$ and ${\Bbb M}\subset{\Bbb U},$ the set cover problem is to find the smallest subcollection $C\subset S$ that covers ${\Bbb M},$ that is, ${\Bbb M} \subseteq \bigcup (C),$ where $\bigcup(C)$ denotes ...
Bounds are obtained for the solution to the divide-and-conquer recurrence \[M(n) = \max_{k_1 + \cdots + k_p = n} (M(k_1) + M(k_2) +\cdots + M(k_p) + \min (f(k_1), \cdots, f(k_p))),\] for nondecreasing functions $f$. Similar bounds are found for the ...
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