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Compiler-Assisted Multiple Instruction Word Retry for VLIW Architectures

Published: 01 December 2001 Publication History


Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) architectures can enhance performance by exploiting fine-grained instruction level parallelism. In this paper, we describe a compiler assisted multiple instruction word retry scheme for VLIW architectures. A read buffer is used to resolve the more frequent on-path hazards, while the compiler resolves the remaining branch hazards. Performance evaluation is described for 11 benchmark programs based on the IBM VLIW research compiler, Chameleon. Experimental results indicate that, for a VLIW machine with P functional units to rollback N instruction words, a read buffer of 2NP entries with the compiler assist can be an effective approach in producing low overhead runtime performance and small code growth, for P = 4, 8, 12, and 16 and N \leq 3.


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Cited By

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  • (2018)An error recoverable structure based on complementary logic and alternating-retryJournal of Computer Science and Technology10.1007/s11390-005-0885-420:6(885-894)Online publication date: 21-Dec-2018
  • (2018)Using Error Correcting Codes Without Speed Penalty in Embedded MemoriesJournal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications10.1007/s10836-013-5386-829:3(383-400)Online publication date: 28-Dec-2018



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cover image IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  Volume 12, Issue 12
December 2001
148 pages


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2001

Author Tags

  1. Fault-tolerant computing
  2. VLIW architectures
  3. compilers
  4. instruction level parallelism
  5. instruction retry


  • Research-article


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  • (2018)An error recoverable structure based on complementary logic and alternating-retryJournal of Computer Science and Technology10.1007/s11390-005-0885-420:6(885-894)Online publication date: 21-Dec-2018
  • (2018)Using Error Correcting Codes Without Speed Penalty in Embedded MemoriesJournal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications10.1007/s10836-013-5386-829:3(383-400)Online publication date: 28-Dec-2018

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