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Static Analysis of Real-Time Distributed Systems

Published: 01 April 1990 Publication History


A static analysis for reasoning about the temporal behaviors of programs in real-time distributed programming languages is proposed. The analysis is based on the action set semantics using the pure maximal parallelism model. It is shown how to specify and verify various timing properties of real-time programs. The approach provides only an approximate timing behavior, because the state information is ignored. However, many interesting properties such as parallel actions, deadlocks, livelocks, terminations, temporal errors, and failures, can be identified. Furthermore, the approach is compositional and thus makes it possible to reason about the timing properties incrementally. The method not only leads to efficient algorithms for the static analysis of CSP programs but also applies to many other languages.


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Ramaswamy Ramanujam

CSP-R is CSP enriched with wait guards. This paper provides a simple static analysis of programs written in CSP-R. The authors study program behavior without using state information—in a sense, with uninterpreted atomic actions. The authors assume that each atomic action takes one unit of time, constituting one tick. The semantics uses sequences of sets of actions; each action set comprises actions that can be done concurrently. A maximal parallelism model is used, where processes wait only when they must. For each process, the possible sequences form a regular language. Parallel composition is implemented by a max-parallel merge, again giving a regular language. From this the authors obtain a finite state automaton for the whole program and use it to study properties such as termination, deadlock, and distributed termination. The result is intuitively clear and not surprising. The strength of the paper lies in its detailed examples. The example programs demonstrate various kinds of timed behavior. The specifications of a factory assembly-line system and a reactor system are quite interesting. This paper should interest researchers working on CSP-style specifications of reactive systems.

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Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  Volume 16, Issue 4
April 1990
116 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 April 1990

Author Tags

  1. CSP programs
  2. deadlocks
  3. distributed processing
  4. failures
  5. livelocks
  6. maximal parallelism model
  7. parallel actions
  8. parallel programming
  9. programming languages
  10. programs
  11. real-time distributed systems
  12. real-time systems
  13. reasoning
  14. software engineering.
  15. static analysis
  16. temporal behaviors
  17. temporal errors
  18. terminations
  19. timing properties


  • Research-article


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