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View all- Lee HSong B(1997)Performance Analysis of STC104 Interconnection NetworksProceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '9710.5555/523549.822918Online publication date: 28-Apr-1997
The authors introduce a novel class of networks based on the de Bruijn graph. These directed graphs are regular of degree, have N=k/sup n/ vertices for some n, and can tolerate up to k-2 node faults. Their fault-free diameter is n=log/sub k/N, and this ...
The authors describe a dependability evaluation method based on fault injection that establishes the link between the experimental evaluation of the fault tolerance process and the fault occurrence process. The main characteristics of a fault injection ...
This paper presents a general class of regular networks which provide optimal (near-optimal) fault tolerance.
IEEE Computer Society
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