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Performance-Measurement Tools in a Multiprocessor Environment

Published: 01 May 1989 Publication History


A family of monitoring facilities is proposed which are used in combination, e.g. a breakpoint monitor used for debugging purposes, a mailbox monitor for analysis of synchronization traffic, and a bus monitor for measurements of bus load. These tools are used in multi-monitor mode, for which both a common programming-language interface and a user interface are provided. Design concepts are presented, along with the overall structure of such an integrated monitoring tool set in a multiprocessor environment. How a combination of hardware and software monitors is embedded into a MODULA-2 multiprocessor environment is outlined, as a case study.


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  • (2003)PET, a software monitoring toolkit for performance analysis of parallel embedded applicationsJournal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal10.1016/S1383-7621(03)00004-348:6-7(221-235)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2003
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  1. Performance-Measurement Tools in a Multiprocessor Environment



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                      Information & Contributors


                      Published In

                      cover image IEEE Transactions on Computers
                      IEEE Transactions on Computers  Volume 38, Issue 5
                      May 1989
                      210 pages
                      Issue’s Table of Contents


                      IEEE Computer Society

                      United States

                      Publication History

                      Published: 01 May 1989

                      Author Tags

                      1. MODULA-2 multiprocessor environment
                      2. breakpoint monitor
                      3. bus load measurements
                      4. bus monitor
                      5. common programming-language interface
                      6. debugging
                      7. integrated monitoring tool
                      8. mailbox monitor
                      9. monitoring facilities
                      10. multi-monitor mode
                      11. multiprocessing systems
                      12. performance evaluation
                      13. performance-measurement tools
                      14. software tools
                      15. synchronization traffic analysis
                      16. user interface
                      17. user interfaces.


                      • Research-article


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                      • (1998)Informing memory operationsACM Transactions on Computer Systems10.1145/279227.27923016:2(170-205)Online publication date: 1-May-1998
                      • (1996)Expert Programmer versus Parallelizing Compiler: A Comparative Study of Two Approaches for Distributed Shared MemoryScientific Programming10.1155/1996/1418955:1(63-88)Online publication date: 1-Jan-1996
                      • (1996)Integrating performance monitoring and communication in parallel computersProceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems10.1145/233013.233035(138-147)Online publication date: 15-May-1996
                      • (1996)Integrating performance monitoring and communication in parallel computersACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review10.1145/233008.23303524:1(138-147)Online publication date: 15-May-1996
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                      • (1996)Informing memory operationsProceedings of the 23rd annual international symposium on Computer architecture10.1145/232973.233000(260-270)Online publication date: 15-May-1996
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