Performance of Multi-Antenna Proactive Eavesdropping in 5G Uplink Systems
Pages 6078 - 6091
This paper studies the performance of multi-antenna proactive eavesdropping in 5G uplink systems with spatially correlated Rayleigh fadings, where the base station (BS) serves an illegal user and a multi-antenna legitimate monitor eavesdrops the suspicious link with the help of jamming attack. Based on a practical assumption of channel state information (CSI) in 5G uplink, i.e., imperfect instantaneous CSI of the suspicious link at the BS and that of eavesdropping link at the monitor, and only jamming channel statistics at the monitor, we first give a statistical jamming beamforming design. Then, semi-closed form expressions of eavesdropping non-outage probability and relative average eavesdropping rate are, respectively, derived for delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant scenarios. Via reasonable approximations and asymptotic analysis, we gain many insights on the effect of key system parameters, e.g., location-dependent channel path loss and angular spread, jamming energy and the number of antennas. Further, we provide the optimal energy allocation between pilot and data jamming and the optimal antenna allocation between jamming and eavesdropping under total energy constraint and total antenna number, respectively, which are both explicit functions of system parameters. Finally, simulation results validate our analytical results.
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