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Who Let the Guards Out: Visual Support for Patrolling Games

Published: 01 January 2025 Publication History


Effective security patrol management is critical for ensuring safety in diverse environments such as art galleries, airports, and factories. The behavior of patrols in these situations can be modeled by patrolling games. They simulate the behavior of the patrol and adversary in the building, which is modeled as a graph of interconnected nodes representing rooms. The designers of algorithms solving the game face the problem of analyzing complex graph layouts with temporal dependencies. Therefore, appropriate visual support is crucial for them to work effectively. In this paper, we present a novel tool that helps the designers of patrolling games explore the outcomes of the proposed algorithms and approaches, evaluate their success rate, and propose modifications that can improve their solutions. Our tool offers an intuitive and interactive interface, featuring a detailed exploration of patrol routes and probabilities of taking them, simulation of patrols, and other requested features. In close collaboration with experts in designing patrolling games, we conducted three case studies demonstrating the usage and usefulness of our tool. The prototype of the tool, along with exemplary datasets, is available at


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cover image IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  Volume 31, Issue 1
Jan. 2025
1353 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2025


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