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Measuring and Characterizing (Mis)compliance of the Android Permission System

Published: 12 February 2024 Publication History


Within the Android mobile operating system, Android permissions act as a system of safeguards designed to restrict access to potentially sensitive data and privileged components. Multiple research studies indicate flaws and limitations of the Android permission system, prompting Google to implement a more regulated and fine-grained permission model. This newly-introduced complexity creates confusion for developers leading to incorrect permissions and a significant risk to users security and privacy. We present a systematic study of theoretical and practical misuse of permissions. For this analysis we derive the unified permissions and call mappings that represent theoretical requirements of permissions and calls. We develop PChecker, an approach that identifies the discrepancies between the official Android permissions documentation and permission implementation in the Android platform source code based on these mappings. We evaluate four versions of the Android Open Source Project code (major versions 10–13) and shed light on the prevalence of discrepancies between the official Android guidelines for permissions and their implementation in the Android platform source code. We further show that these discrepancies result in miscompliance in third-party Android apps.


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IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  Volume 50, Issue 4
April 2024
347 pages


IEEE Press

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Published: 12 February 2024


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