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Using Declarative Specification to Improve the Understanding, Extensibility, and Comparison of Model-Inference Algorithms

Published: 01 April 2015 Publication History


It is a staple development practice to log system behavior. Numerous powerful model-inference algorithms have been proposed to aid developers in log analysis and system understanding. Unfortunately, existing algorithms are typically declared procedurally, making them difficult to understand, extend, and compare. This paper presents InvariMint, an approach to specify model-inference algorithms declaratively. We applied the InvariMint declarative approach to two model-inference algorithms. The evaluation results illustrate that InvariMint (1) leads to new fundamental insights and better understanding of existing algorithms, (2) simplifies creation of new algorithms, including hybrids that combine or extend existing algorithms, and (3) makes it easy to compare and contrast previously published algorithms. InvariMint's declarative approach can outperform procedural implementations. For example, on a log of 50,000 events, InvariMint's declarative implementation of the kTails algorithm completes in 12 seconds, while a procedural implementation completes in 18 minutes. We also found that InvariMint's declarative version of the Synoptic algorithm can be over 170 times faster than the procedural implementation.


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  1. Using Declarative Specification to Improve the Understanding, Extensibility, and Comparison of Model-Inference Algorithms
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
          IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  Volume 41, Issue 4
          April 2015
          98 pages


          IEEE Press

          Publication History

          Published: 01 April 2015

          Author Tags

          1. synoptic
          2. Model inference
          3. API mining
          4. specification mining
          5. process mining
          6. declarative specification
          7. inference understanding
          8. inference extensibility
          9. inference comparison
          10. InvariMint
          11. kTails


          • Research-article


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