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Toward Robust and Generalizable Federated Graph Neural Networks for Decentralized Spatial-Temporal Data Modeling

Published: 10 April 2024 Publication History


Federated learning has been combined with graph learning for modeling spatial-temporal data while maintaining data confidentiality and safety. However, there are still several issues: 1) In practical usage, some clients may be unable to participate in the model inference due to poor network signal, malicious attacks, etc. 2) In the communication process, the uploaded information is easily disturbed by noise. The performance of the graph model will be seriously affected by its low robustness. Additionally, the assumption of identical distribution between the training and testing domain does not hold in practical scenarios, resulting in overfitting and poor generalization ability of the trained models. 3) The relations that exist among clients may change dynamically over time and manually constructing the graph structure of clients may not accurately represent the relations among clients. In this paper, we address all the above limitations by proposing a robust hierarchical split-federated graph model named DCSFG. Specifically, DCSFG combines split-federated learning and spatial-temporal graph model to better capture the spatial-temporal dependencies. We propose a Dropclient method and introduce the uncertainty estimation to enhance the robustness and generlization ability of the model. We also design a dual-sub-decoders structure for clients so that they can perform predictions locally and independently when they are unable to participate in the inference process. A novel hierarchical graph message passing structure is proposed to enable each client to perceive the global and local information. The extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DCSFG.


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cover image IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management  Volume 21, Issue 3
June 2024
1087 pages


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 10 April 2024


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