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Handling Data Handoff of AI-Based Applications in Edge Computing Systems

Published: 01 December 2023 Publication History


Edge computing aims at better supporting low-latency applications. One of its key techniques is computation offloading, the process that outsources computing tasks from resourced-constrained mobile devices and moves them to edge data centers. In this paper, we tackle an emerging problem within the umbrella of computation offloading, i.e., migration of offloaded inference tasks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) trained models. Such context tailors migration aspects of data-sensitive services where i) the value of the updates is inversely proportional to the data age and ii) outage is highly detrimental to accuracy. To tackle this challenge, we propose Mobile Edge Data-handoff (MED) a framework able to relocate inference or online training tasks from one edge datacenter to another by moving only the necessary data to minimize any accuracy drop during the process. We implemented MED in a well-known edge computing emulator, openLEON, and experimentally verified its performance with an AI-based Industry 4.0 application that forecasts the gas flow in a chemical plant. For our experiments, we use a real, open-source dataset that contains sensors readings. Collected results show that MED, employing proactive data handoff algorithms, is able to minimize the packet loss during the handoff thereby providing guarantees on the inference accuracy.


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        IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management  Volume 20, Issue 4
        Dec. 2023
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        Published: 01 December 2023


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