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Nationwide Behavior-Aware Coordinates Mining From Uncertain Delivery Events

Published: 01 November 2024 Publication History


Geocoding, associating textual addresses with corresponding GPS coordinates, is vital for many location-based services (e.g., logistics, ridesharing, and social networks). One of the most common Geocoding solutions is using commercial map services such as Google Maps. However, this is typically not practical for some location-based service providers due to real-world challenges like commercial competition and high costs (recurring fees). In this paper, we design a new cost-effective Geocoding framework to automatically infer the geographic coordinates from textual addresses. To achieve this, we take the E-Commerce logistics service as a concrete scenario and design <monospace>CoMiner</monospace>, an unsupervised coordinate inference framework based on textual address data, delivery event data, and courier trajectory data. <monospace>CoMiner</monospace> includes three main components, (1) A POI-level clustering model, (2) A Delivery Mobility Graph (<italic>DMG</italic>), and (3) A behavior-driven address ranking model. Furthermore, we design <monospace>CoMiner-W</monospace>, a coordinates mining algorithm based on WiFi data, to further enhance the effectiveness of <monospace>CoMiner</monospace>. We conduct extensive experiments on three large-scale datasets where <monospace>CoMiner</monospace> outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by 20.3&#x0025;. Moreover, we have designed an abnormal delivery event detection system based on <monospace>CoMiner</monospace> and deployed it at JD Logistics, which brings a significant reduction in abnormal delivery event rates.


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IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  Volume 36, Issue 11
Nov. 2024
1887 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

United States

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Published: 01 November 2024


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