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Sentence Bag Graph Formulation for Biomedical Distant Supervision Relation Extraction

Published: 18 March 2024 Publication History


We introduce a novel graph-based framework for alleviating key challenges in distantly-supervised relation extraction and demonstrate its effectiveness in the challenging and important domain of biomedical data. Specifically, we propose a graph view of sentence bags referring to an entity pair, which enables message-passing based aggregation of information related to the entity pair over the sentence bag. The proposed framework alleviates the common problem of noisy labeling in distantly supervised relation extraction and also effectively incorporates inter-dependencies between sentences within a bag. Extensive experiments on two large-scale biomedical relation datasets and the widely utilized NYT dataset demonstrate that our proposed framework significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for biomedical distant supervision relation extraction while also providing excellent performance for relation extraction in the general text mining domain.


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