Learning-Based Sample Tuning for Approximate Query Processing in Interactive Data Exploration
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- Learning-Based Sample Tuning for Approximate Query Processing in Interactive Data Exploration
Learned Optimizer for Online Approximate Query Processing in Data Exploration
In the interactive data exploration, approximate query processing (AQP) can be used to quickly return query results at the cost of accuracy. For online AQP, the sampler can be treated as an operator in the query plan. During the query optimization for AQP,...
Dynamic sample selection for approximate query processing
SIGMOD '03: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of dataIn decision support applications, the ability to provide fast approximate answers to aggregation queries is desirable. One commonly-used technique for approximate query answering is sampling. For many aggregation queries, appropriately constructed ...
A sample advisor for approximate query processing
ADBIS'10: Proceedings of the 14th east European conference on Advances in databases and information systemsThe rapid growth of current data warehouse systems makes random sampling a crucial component of modern data management systems. Although there is a large body of work on database sampling, the problem of automatic sample selection remained (almost) ...
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