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Spatial-Temporal Aware Inductive Graph Neural Network for C-ITS Data Recovery

Published: 01 August 2023 Publication History


With the prevalence of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), massive sensors are deployed on roadside, vehicles, and infrastructures. One key challenge is imputing several different types of missing entries in spatial-temporal traffic data to meet the high-quality demand of data science applied in Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) since accurate data recovery is critical to many downstream tasks in ITSs, such as traffic monitoring and decision making. For such, it is proposed in this article solutions to three kinds of data recovery tasks in a unified model via spatial-temporal aware Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), named Spatial-Temporal Aware Data Recovery Network (STAR), enabling a real-time and inductive inference. A residual gated temporal convolution network is designed to permit the proposed model to learn the temporal pattern from long sequences with masks and an adaptive memory-based attention model for utilizing implicit spatial correlation. To further exploit the generalization power of GNNs, a sampling-based method is adopted to train the proposed model to be robust and inductive for online servicing. Extensive numerical experiments on two real-world spatial-temporal traffic datasets are performed, and results show that the proposed STAR model consistently outperforms other baselines at 1.5-2.5 times on all kinds of imputation tasks. Moreover, STAR can support recovery data for 2 to 5 hours, with its performance barely unchanged, and has comparable performance in transfer learning and time-series forecast. Experimental results demonstrate that STAR provides adequate performance and rich features for multiple data recovery tasks under the C-ITS scenario.


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cover image IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems  Volume 24, Issue 8
Aug. 2023
1036 pages


IEEE Press

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Published: 01 August 2023


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