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ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Streaming in Resource Constrained Vehicular Environment

Published: 01 July 2021 Publication History


Today, with the worldwide offer and rapid increment in multimedia applications on the web, the demands of users to get them accessed are also increasing prominently. The users in vehicular environment too expect efficient multimedia streaming while travelling on the road. However, the high mobility of vehicles as well as the limited transmission range of infrastructure components in IP based network provides low performance by offering high delay and additional network overhead. To provide better Quality of Experience (QoE) with high performance, Information Centric Networking (ICN) is blended with vehicular environment. Caching the content inside network nodes is inherent feature of ICN with various associated benefits such as low content retrieval delay, less network traffic, path reduction and so on. However, challenges still exists for caching the content due to resource constrained network environment (such as limited cache capacity, node battery) as well as for secure delivery of cached data. To solve these challenges and to enhance network performance, we propose a cooperative caching scheme in hierarchical network architecture that jointly considers cache location as well as combined content popularity and predicted future rating score while making caching decision. The proposed approach uses two layer hierarchical architecture where nodes in edge layer are divided into clusters. The proposed scheme uses modified Weighted Clustering Algorithms (WCA) for selection of cluster heads which are then used to decide cache location. A probability matrix is used to compute content caching probability which considers both popularity and predicted future rating of content. The proposed approach dynamically predict the user’s preferences using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) - a machine learning technique which eventually provides prediction of future rating. Based on the selection of both cache location and content to cache, the proposed scheme can effectively cache the content in the network. Further, to deal with the secure delivery of cached content, this work supports legitimate user authorization at edge nodes. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in MATLAB parallel computing toolkit. The results prove significant caching improvement in terms of cache hit, hop reduction and average delay using our proposed scheme.


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    cover image IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems  Volume 22, Issue 7
    July 2021
    867 pages


    IEEE Press

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    Published: 01 July 2021


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