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View all- Lin JFeng LWang JQiu FYu BCheng JYao S(2024)FGDB‐MLPPIET Communications10.1049/cmu2.1273718:4(309-321)Online publication date: 7-Mar-2024
In a conventional secret sharing scheme a dealer uses secure point-to-point channels to distribute the shares of a secret to a number of participants. At a later stage an authorised group of participants send their shares through secure point-to-point ...
Highlights We propose an efficient (n, t, n)-VSS. We propose a (n, t, n)-MSS. We propose a (n, t, n)-VMSS. All our (n, t, n) SS are unconditionally secure. Recently, Harn and Lin introduced a notion of strong t-consistency of a (t, n) secret sharing ...
Secret sharing schemes allow a secret to be shared among a group of participants so that only qualified subsets of participants can recover the secret. A visual cryptography scheme (VCS) is a special kind of secret sharing scheme in which the secret to ...
IEEE Press