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Partial Secret Sharing Schemes

Published: 01 August 2023 Publication History


The following standard relaxations of perfect security for secret sharing schemes (SSSs) exist in the literature: <italic>quasi-perfect</italic>, <italic>almost-perfect</italic>, and <italic>statistical</italic>. Understanding the power of these relaxations on the efficiency of SSSs, measured via a parameter called <italic>information ratio</italic>, is a long-standing open problem. In this article, we introduce and study an extremely relaxed security notion, called <italic>partial security</italic>, for which it is only required that any qualified set gains strictly more information about the secret than any unqualified one. To get a meaningful efficiency measure, we normalize the (standard) information ratio of such schemes by an appropriate parameter and refer to the new measure as <italic>partial information ratio</italic>. We present three main results in this paper. <italic>First</italic>, we prove that partial and perfect information ratios coincide for the class of linear SSSs. <italic>Second</italic>, we prove that for the general (i.e., non-linear) class of SSSs, partial and statistical information ratios are equal. <italic>Third</italic>, we show that partial and almost-perfect information ratios do not coincide for the class of mixed-linear schemes (i.e., schemes constructed by combining linear schemes with different underlying finite fields). We also use the notion of partial secret sharing to strengthen and unify the previous <italic>decomposition</italic> theorems for constructing SSSs.


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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  Volume 69, Issue 8
Aug. 2023
672 pages


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Published: 01 August 2023


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