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An Information-Theoretic Approach to Joint Sensing and Communication

Published: 01 February 2024 Publication History


A communication setup is considered where a single transmitter wishes to convey messages to one or two receivers and simultaneously estimate the states of the receivers through the backscattered signals of the emitted waveform. The scenario at hand is motivated by joint radar and communication, which aims to co-design radar sensing and communication over shared spectrum and hardware. In this paper, we model the communication channel as a simple memoryless channel with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) time-varying state sequences and we model the backscattered signals by (strictly causal) generalized feedback. For single-receiver systems of this form, we fully characterize the capacity-distortion tradeoff, defined as the largest rate at which a message can reliably be conveyed to the receiver while simultaneously allowing the transmitter to sense the state sequence with a given allowed distortion. Our results show a tradeoff between the achievable rates and distortions, and that this tradeoff only stems from a common choice of the input distribution (the waveform) but not from other properties of the utilized codes. To better illustrate the capacity-distortion tradeoff, we propose a numerical method to compute the optimal inputs (waveforms) that achieve the desired tradeoff. For two-receiver systems with two states, we characterize the capacity-distortion tradeoff region of physically degraded broadcast channels (BC) as a rather straightforward extension of the single receiver case. Here, a tradeoff not only arises between sensing and communication performances but also between the various rates and the distortions of the different states. Similarly to the single-receiver case, the optimal co-design scheme exploits the generalized feedback signals only for sensing but not for improving communication performance. This is different for general two-receiver BCs, where optimal co-design schemes exploit generalized feedback also to improve capacity. However, as we show, also for BCs the optimal sensing performance only depends on the chosen input distribution (waveform) but not on the code construction used to accomplish the communication task. For general BCs, we provide inner and outer bounds on the capacity-distortion region, as well as a sufficient condition when this capacity-distortion region is equal to the product of the capacity region and the set of achievable distortions, in which case no tradeoff between sensing and communication occurs. A number of illustrative examples demonstrate that the optimal co-design schemes outperform conventional schemes that split the resources between sensing and communication, both for single-receiver and BC systems.


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cover image IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  Volume 70, Issue 2
Feb. 2024
762 pages


IEEE Press

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Published: 01 February 2024


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