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Depth-Reliability-Based Stereo-Matching Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture Design

Published: 01 June 2015 Publication History


A low-complexity depth-reliability-based stereomatching algorithm and an efficient scanline memory-merging implementation scheme are proposed in this paper. The developed algorithm analyzes the accuracy of disparity results by using simple local window-based methods and preserves reliable information only. A bidirectional depth propagation flow is then adopted to fill the unreliable segments by using reliable information. Moreover, a set of predefined function-specific reliability variables are extracted to further improve depth quality in the occluded and smooth regions, which can reduce 39% bad pixels obtained by applying the basic 7 × 7 window-based matching. The proposed scanline memory-merging scheme along with data prefetching can lead to 32.7% savings on the scanline memory area and relax the requirements of external frame buffer size and bandwidth. Experimental results show that the implemented stereo-matching hardware has a gate count of 223 k including the scanline memory, and can achieve up to 70 frames/s for 480 × 540 resolution (2 × 2 downsampling of FullHD side-by-side 3-D format) with 56 disparity levels.


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    Published In

    cover image IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology  Volume 25, Issue 6
    June 2015
    180 pages


    IEEE Press

    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2015

    Author Tags

    1. window-based sum of absolute differences (SAD) architecture
    2. Reliability-based computation
    3. stereo-matching


    • Research-article


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