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Optimized waveform relaxation methods for longitudinal partitioning of transmission lines

Published: 01 August 2009 Publication History


Waveform relaxation (WR) is a technique that can be used to solve large systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). It is particularly suitable for the parallel solution of ODEs with multiple time scales and has successfully been used for the solution of electronic circuits and for solving partial differential equations. The main issue limiting the utility of WR is the class of problems with strong subsystem-to-subsystem couplings and long analysis time intervals resulting in nonuniform slow convergence. Here, we consider transmission-line (TL) circuits since they represent an important part of a Spice-type circuit solver. For TLs, the coupling between different lines is relatively weak, and thus, partitioning in the transverse direction leads to very fast WR algorithms. However, longitudinal partitioning of TLs is very challenging due to the strong coupling that results. In this paper, we propose an approach with improved convergence properties for strongly coupled longitudinal partitioning of TLs and other similarly strongly coupled circuits.


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Cited By

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  • (2020)Asymptotic Analysis for Overlap in Waveform Relaxation Methods for RC Type CircuitsJournal of Scientific Computing10.1007/s10915-020-01270-584:1Online publication date: 16-Jul-2020
  • (2019)Convergence analysis of a periodic-like waveform relaxation method for initial-value problems via the diagonalization techniqueNumerische Mathematik10.1007/s00211-019-01060-8143:2(489-527)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2019
  • (2017)An analysis of Schwarz waveform relaxation domain decomposition methods for the imaginary-time linear Schrödinger and Gross-Pitaevskii equationsNumerische Mathematik10.1007/s00211-017-0897-3137:4(923-958)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017
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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers  Volume 56, Issue 8
Special section on 2008 custom integrated circuits conference (CICC 2008)
August 2009
351 pages


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2009
Revised: 15 August 2008
Received: 27 April 2008

Author Tags

  1. convergence analysis
  2. fast convergence
  3. longitudinal partitioning
  4. waveform relaxation (WR) and transmission lines (TLs)


  • Article


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  • (2020)Asymptotic Analysis for Overlap in Waveform Relaxation Methods for RC Type CircuitsJournal of Scientific Computing10.1007/s10915-020-01270-584:1Online publication date: 16-Jul-2020
  • (2019)Convergence analysis of a periodic-like waveform relaxation method for initial-value problems via the diagonalization techniqueNumerische Mathematik10.1007/s00211-019-01060-8143:2(489-527)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2019
  • (2017)An analysis of Schwarz waveform relaxation domain decomposition methods for the imaginary-time linear Schrödinger and Gross-Pitaevskii equationsNumerische Mathematik10.1007/s00211-017-0897-3137:4(923-958)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017
  • (2016)Optimized Schwarz waveform relaxation for advection reaction diffusion equations in two dimensionsNumerische Mathematik10.1007/s00211-015-0784-8134:3(513-567)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2016
  • (2013)Time-domain segmentation based massively parallel simulation for ADCsProceedings of the 50th Annual Design Automation Conference10.1145/2463209.2488905(1-6)Online publication date: 29-May-2013
  • (2013)Optimization of Schwarz waveform relaxation over short time windowsNumerical Algorithms10.1007/s11075-012-9662-y64:2(221-243)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2013
  • (2010)Corrections to optimized waveform relaxation methods for longitudinal partitioning of transmission linesIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers10.1109/TCSI.2010.204199957:1(312-312)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010

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