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Generative Modeling of Pseudo-Whisper for Robust Whispered Speech Recognition

Published: 01 October 2016 Publication History


Whisper is a common means of communication used to avoid disturbing individuals or to exchange private information. As a vocal style, whisper would be an ideal candidate for human-handheld/computer interactions in open-office or public area scenarios. Unfortunately, current speech technology is predominantly focused on modal neutral speech and completely breaks down when exposed to whisper. One of the major barriers for successful whisper recognition engines is the lack of available large transcribed whispered speech corpora. This study introduces two strategies that require only a small amount of untranscribed whisper samples to produce excessive amounts of whisper-like pseudo-whisper utterances from easily accessible modal speech recordings. Once generated, the pseudo-whisper samples are used to adapt modal acoustic models of a speech recognizer toward whisper. The first strategy is based on Vector Taylor Series VTS where a whisper “background” model is first trained to capture a rough estimate of global whisper characteristics from a small amount of actual whisper data. Next, that background model is utilized in the VTS to establish specific broad phone classes' unvoiced/voiced phones transformations from each input modal utterance to its pseudo-whispered version. The second strategy generates pseudo-whisper samples by means of denoising autoencoders DAE. Two generative models are investigated-one produces pseudo-whisper cepstral features on a frame-by-frame basis, while the second generates pseudo-whisper statistics for whole phone segments. It is shown that word error rates of a TIMIT-trained speech recognizer are considerably reduced for a whisper recognition task with a constrained lexicon after adapting the acoustic model toward the VTS or DAE pseudo-whisper samples, compared to model adaptation on an available small whisper set.


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IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing  Volume 24, Issue 10
October 2016
195 pages
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Published: 01 October 2016
Published in TASLP Volume 24, Issue 10


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