Cited By
View all- Camilli MGlinz MMurphy GPezzè M(2012)Petri nets state space analysis in the cloudProceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering10.5555/2337223.2337508(1638-1640)Online publication date: 2-Jun-2012
We consider verification of safety properties for concurrent real-timed systems modelled as timed Petri nets by performing symbolic forward reachability analysis. We introduce a formalism, called region generators, for representing sets of markings of ...
It had been shown that Merlin's Time Petri Nets are a special case of Time Stream Petri Nets. In this paper, we show that it does not exist a time equivalence between both models. We extend first this result to the nonequivalence of Timed Automata and ...
Petri nets augmented with time are interesting models which can be used for the modelling and analysis of a wide range of concurrent discrete-event systems. In this paper, the nature of the semantics of different approaches to incorporating time in ...
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